The main difference one notices between hospital and home is
how QUIET home really is!! Both Luke and I walked into our lounge and were
almost overwhelmed with the silence... No nurse call alarms, hospital machinery,
no nurses talking at the nearby nurses’ station, no cleaners or hospitality
staff popping in and out at various intervals. It felt odd to say the least.
The lighting was also different. The garish and intense hospital lighting
replaced by more subdued home lights made us feel as though we couldn’t see
properly! It certainly didn’t take us long to get used to being back home
though, especially after a proper cup of tea in a real mug! Being reunited with
a certain feline was also wonderful. I was worried that my little chap wouldn’t
remember me, but he just strolled in as nonchalantly as ever, rubbed my legs
with his head and looked at me as if to say, ‘oh, have you been gone long, I
hadn’t noticed...’
Being discharged from hospital always leaves me with mixed
feelings. I am always truly ecstatic to be leaving the joint and to be
returning to my lovely home, family and friends. However, I do feel a bit
adrift, and fearful that if I suddenly feel unwell there aren’t any nurses or
doctors around to give me a quick check over, with all the top-notch equipment
at their finger tips. I’m hoping that my new anti-anxiety drugs will help
combat these feeling and help keep me calm. They seem to be doing their job so
Before I was discharged, the hospital’s Occupational Health
team did a fantastic job of assessing my needs and ensuring that I get all the
support I need at home to make my everyday life easier, so that I can have the
highest quality of life possible. One example of this was organising the
delivery of a ‘perching stool’ which you keep in the kitchen (or wherever, mine’s
in the kitchen!) so you can kind of perch (as the name suggests!) while you
make a cup of tea, or wash up. It’s amazing how much easier it is to complete
those tasks when you aren’t expending so much energy on standing alone. I have
to take my hat off to Hampshire Social Services who delivered my new equipment
the morning after I was discharged. I was very impressed!
As I have mentioned in other blog posts, my oxygen
requirements are now increased, which means we are waiting to receive delivery
of an oxygen concentrator which can provide the 6 litres a minute I need for
moving around the house (or wherever else I happen to be moving!). The
concentrator I have at the moment only goes up to 5 litres a minute, so currently
the company have ‘piggy-backed’ two concentrators together to provide 6 litres and
have moved my original concentrator upstairs to provide the 2 litres a minute I
need through my non-invasive ventilator (NIV) at night, and the 3 litres a
minute I need for just lounging around. So it’s safe to say our little house is
like a wire city/oxygen concentrator showroom at the moment, until we get the
proper concentrators installed, but hopefully we won’t be waiting too much
longer for this to happen(!?) I also had to have the settings on my NIV changed
prior to leaving hospital, as my carbon dioxide levels were still too high.
After some tweaking of the machines settings, and a sleep study a couple of
nights before I came home, the doctors were satisfied that I was getting rid of
enough CO2 to be able to be discharged.
The most obtrusive change to our routine is probably my
night time use of the NIV. I am quite accustomed to the noises it makes; the whooshing
air is actually quite therapeutic. However, Luke doesn’t have quite the same
love for it... The first couple of nights he was kept awake by my face mask, as
it wasn’t fitting quite right, so made odd noises when I exhaled. That was easy
to sort, but now he has to deal with getting a face full of hard plastic every
time I cuddle up to him (oops!!) I think I’ll have to be less vigorous in my
I was a bit disheartened when I first had all of the support
provided for me (not in an ungrateful way might I add!!) and having
consultations with palliative care. It sort of brings it all closer to home
that my CF isn’t going to ‘get better’ – yes, I have recovered from my latest
chest infection, but I am by no means better than I was before. In hindsight
though, I do feel like I have been struggling for a while, so I could well have
needed a higher flow rate of oxygen for some time. At least all of this equipment
and changes will allow me to lead as ‘normal’ (whatever that is!?) a life as
possible until my call comes. I really can’t believe that on the 1st
March it will be one year since my first false alarm, and nearly 2 years and 2
months of being on the double lung transplant waiting list. I’m just continuing
to try to stay positive and have also taken up crocheting (random!) as an
additional hobby to help occupy my mind! My family have been of invaluable
support and I will discuss in a later blog my changed home routine and how it affects
their lives too.
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